Where to get one:
- A USB-A cable. Seriously. That is it. Oh, and a computer to connect to. You are using one now, right?
LEDs, buttons, motors, servos. You can get everything you need to experiment at once in a kit like:
- Adafruit ARDX ($85)
- Sparkfun Inventor Kit ($99)
Getting Started:

- Download the software from arduino.cc.
- Launch the Arduino IDE.
- Plug you Arduino in using the USB cable.
- After the drivers install:
- Select the board [Tools] -> [Board] -> Pick your board
- Select the port [Tools] -> [Serial Port] -> Your serial port (probably last one listed)
- Load and run an example program:
- [File] -> [Example] -> [Basics] -> [Blink]
- Click the "upload" arrow.
- If see your "Pin 13" LED is blinking on the board.
Where to go from here:
- Both Adafruit (http://learn.adafruit.com/category/learn-arduino) and Sparkfun (https://learn.sparkfun.com/) have excellent educational websites with tutorials. Instructables.com is another good source of interesting Arduino projects.
- Adafruit has weekly "Show and Tell" and "Ask an Engineer" shows which keep you abreast of new projects and products, and allow you to ask serious Makers your burning questions.
My Arduino Projects:
- Trains (http://dawson-station.blogspot.com)
- Rockets (http://www.instructables.com/id/Radio-Telemetry-for-a-Model-Rocket/)
- Game of Life bicycle tail light.
- Automated bubble makers.
- Program it with Scratch!
Search Maker's Box for Arduino